Orthopedic Patient Positioning

Surgery is a lot more than just cutting and sewing. It takes specialized equipment in order to have the best outcomes, and that is no different for orthopedic patient positioning. Having the right device to properly orient the body and limbs can mean the difference between an okay outcome and a great outcome. KLM Medical Equipment has a number of important orthopedic patient positioning devices that will enhance your surgical outcomes on all of your patients. Whether you are working on the ankle, knee, or hip joints, we have specialized orthopedic patient positioning equipment that is second to none.

Bring Your Knees Up

Orthopedic Patient PositioningPerforming a knee replacement surgery involves a lot of needed measurements as well as stability to get things lined up properly. Our Ladderloc Surgical Knee Positioner System provides your medical team with the strength and stability that you demand for proper alignment while also offering you flexibility for adjustments on a per-patient basis as well as being able to do other checks while performing the surgery as well as after.

All of the pieces of our system are designed with efficacy and sterility in mind. Made from high-strength aluminum alloy, our system offers a longer rail to allow for maximal flexion and extension of the patient’s leg. The rail also has the ability to incorporate the thigh bolster tower for enhanced security of the knee joint during the surgical operation and can be easily added or removed on the fly if needed.

Proper Hip Alignment Is Key

Our Broadhead Lateral Positioner is a customizable peg system for orthopedic patient positioning that will ensure each patient gets the right positioning for their hips. This system offers not only the peg system that can be custom fit for each patient but also allows for clamping the peg board in the right place for maximum efficacy for both patient and surgeon. Just like knee joints, hip joints need to be properly positioned so that the recovery goes quickly and the maximum amount of range is retained from any procedure.

At KLM Medical Equipment, we offer the latest in medical devices that help to provide the best environment for all involved with a surgery. Care for the patient leads to better outcomes and a more relaxed environment, as well as provide the medical team with the best options for fast and efficient procedures. Call our team today to learn more about all of the orthopedic patient positioning equipment we offer.